Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Beaver Meaning

Beavers are ingenious builders, orchestrating megalith dams that can change the flowing course of entire rivers. This impressive aspect along with its aquatic nature makes the beaver an example for building up our own dreams.

In essence, the beaver tells us to believe in our dreams as if they were real. Build on them as if the dream itself is your reality. Change the direction of your life by structuring it with a goal. This can help you coax your dreams into a physical form. As a water creature, symbolic characteristics of the beaver include: Dreams, Psyche, Motion, Emotion, Intuition, & Subconscious.

The beaver symbolizes working diligently. The dams beavers build are sometimes eight feet tall and span across entire bodies of water. That kind of accomplishment doesn't happen overnight, nor does it happen by just wishing of completion. The beaver says: "yeah, it’s great to have dreams, but you have to work at them to make them real!"

Working to fulfill life-long dreams is admirable. The beaver cautions us to uphold an adequate balance between play and work, while encouraging priorities to be set properly. But it's not all work and no play in the life of a beaver. Fun and games are also a part of the beavers’ nature. This is an excellent reminder of the importance of taking time off for ourselves and for our family.

Symbolic meanings of the beaver include: Dreams, Psyche, Motion, Emotion, Intuition, and Subconscious.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Badger Meaning

The badger will stop at nothing to get what it desires, and this is an important lesson for us to be persistent in our pursuits. Specifically, those with the badger totem often attract this creature because the individual has difficulty finishing what he or she started. The badger will help with this aspect of life. The Native Americans knew they could always call upon the stubborn, strong-willed nature of the badger to help them complete a project that had been started.

Although smaller in stature, the badger commands attention from friend and foe alike. We too can follow in the footsteps of the badger, but we must be careful so as not to do so in an unhealthy, destructive manner.  Symbolic characteristics of the badger include the following: determination, eagerness, strong will, focus, strategy, tenacity, defense, protection, independence, & confidence.

The badger is connected to the earth, and thus, is a totem of the ground. When we feel out of touch, or confused the badger can help us so that we are firmly rooted in what we are doing. That is, it allows us to be anchored in our priorities throughout life.

When the badger comes into our lives it is time for get busy with projects, speak up and ask for help if we need it. The badger is also a sign that it is time for us come out of hiding.  We must let the world know we are here and mean business!

Although this creature’s methods might seem unorthodox, the badger doesn't care what the rest of the animal kingdom thinks about them. This is perhaps the greatest lesson the badger cans teach us. In short, the badger is telling us to "walk your own path at your own pace." Never mind what others may say. Have faith in your own abilities and know that you are well-equipped to take on whatever challenge(s) may obstruct you.

Symbolic meanings of the badger include: Determination, Eagerness, Strong Will, Focus, Strategy, Tenacity, Defense, Protection, Independence, and Confidence.